How to Banish Your Bloat!

Think of the last time you felt bloated.  Maybe it was when you woke up, or after a meal or maybe when you were sleep deprived or stressed.



Bloat, a.k.a water retention, is the #1 digestive challenge people experience and many times we have no idea why.



Digestion Surgeon, Dr. Anna Toker recently shared that there are 3 types of Bloat:


  1. Air bloat (often caused by sleep apnea or snoring, and you wake up with extra gas)
  2. Gas bloat (we all love a little gas, not!  This is typically caused by your digestive system not breaking down protein, fat and carbs into their simplest form)
  3. Fluid bloat (this is inflammation in your intestines and many times has to do with unhealthy gut microbiome and often triggers cramping and constipation)


Which type of bloat do you usually get?



The cool thing is living the PFC3 lifestyle and optimizing your 6 spinning plates – Nutrition, Hydration, Movement, Sleep, Stress, and Supplements will help solve all 3 types of bloat.


But, it's no secret that sometimes, we just need a boost!


Age, genetics, daily stress and any processed foods can cause chaos on your gut health and blood sugar.



Creating this boost has been an epic 25-year global journey and we’re excited to share that Zive 7 – our Revolutionary 7-in-1 and NSF Sport Certified product is now here and available!



We just wrapped a sold out 400-person pilot, and the results were astonishing.



Simply adding 2 capsules of Zive 7 to your daily routine will awaken your digestion and help Banish Your Bloat.



You can even add 1-2 more capsules with your meals throughout the day for an extra gut health boost.

It’s only $44.95 + free shipping for orders over $75.00.


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