Mood Boosting Foods to Ditch the Winter Blues

Groundhog Day just passed, and the prediction is an early spring!
But this still means we have many more weeks of Winter.


Winter has a serious effect on our mood for a few reasons, colder temps mean less activity, shorter days cause less sunlight, and comfort food seems to taste even better during winter, which triggers more blood sugar spikes.


Well, get ready to ditch the winter blues with this week’s newsletter - we are serving up a delicious double chocolate cherry loaf recipe with a side of PFC3 coaching calls and our Food Freedom
Segment of the week!


Let’s kick it off with 3 simple daily strategies to ditch the winter blues...




Strategy 1 – Shine in the Sun!
Sunlight is magical for your body. It's filled with benefits from boosting Vitamin D, improving your bone health, helping lower blood pressure, and increasing your Serotonin levels (your feel-good hormone).


 You will feel a big difference in your body and mood when you focus on spending at least 15-30 minutes in the sun each day.


Strategy 2 -- Movement is Life!

Colder temps typically bring less activity. Less activity means less endorphins (neurotransmitters that help alleviate pain and stress).

This can create a feeling of more stress. Here are a few simple shifts you can make that are fun ways to move without the cold.

  • Walking the stairs at your work or in your house
  • Using indoor workout equipment
  • Having quality winter gear so the cold becomes your friend.

The key point is move your body, because movement increases your mood.


Strategy 3 – Eat PFC3 Balanced Comfort Foods!

Sitting by a fire and eating some delicious comfort foods is something we all love.


The challenge is traditional comfort foods are unbalanced and loaded with carbs which leads to blood sugar spikes and low energy.


Now imagine putting a healthy twist on your favorite comfort foods.


Apple pie, lasagna, muffins, cakes, nachos, pizza - basically any comfort food you can think of we have done it with a PFC3 twist.


This way you can eat your favorite foods, keep your mood bright and move towards your health goals.



Stay connected with the PFC3 community! Follow us on Instagram and Facebook for daily inspiration, tips, and a peek into the PFC3 life. Don't miss our daily stories and interactive polls!

This week, Carrie Lupoli, shares a recipe filled with chocolate, comfort, and love. Enjoy a Valentine’s Day treat with our delicious PFC3 Double Chocolate Cherry Loaf Recipe!



Ready For More Support?

Check Out This Monday's PFC3 Club Call:


The Mood Boosting Fun Continues!


Join Carrie on an experience focused on mindset and behavior as she shares the winning tools to redefine your thought process around comfort foods. 


A big step in becoming your own Nutrition Boss.


Our PFC3 exclusive coaching call is every Monday at 8PM EST via zoom or FB Live for all PFC3 members.

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