Why Wait for January? What if...

The Holidays and a New Year of Possibilities

The holidays are upon us! The New Year is lurking just around the corner—and with a new year often comes a resolution (or a series of resolutions).


What if you never had to make another New Year’s resolution regarding your weight? Ever.


What if you could learn a simple, satisfying, and sustainable solution? And what if you could do it now?


Starting My Journey Against the Odds

I started my journey 2 days before having surgery to repair 4 tears in my rotator cuff. Was it ideal? No. Could I have waited until I healed and got my motion back? Absolutely.
Could I do a traditional workout in a sling over the next 3 months during recovery? No.
Did I decide that I wanted to heal as quickly as possible and balancing my blood sugar was the best (and fastest) way to reduce inflammation and promote healing? Yep.
Was I scared of failing? You bet.
Was it the best decision I ever made for my health? Undoubtedly.


Every Step Brings Us Closer or Further Away

We never stay in the same place. We are either moving a little bit toward our goal or a little bit further away from our goal each and every day. Why wait another two months to start moving toward that goal?


I hadn’t moved my body much before I started. I could barely carry a load of laundry from my basement to the second floor without needing a recovery period. Post-surgery, I couldn’t really exercise, and I most certainly couldn’t lift weights in a sling. I worked with my physical therapist to design some simple exercises with resistance bands to rebuild some strength and regain some of the range of motion.


I started walking “laps” around my kitchen island. Sixteen steps at a time. Then I started walking around the first floor of the house. Just a little bit farther, a little bit longer each day. Eventually, I ventured outside: I walked the length of our long driveway and back, then around the block, then two blocks, then I achieved my goal of walking to the beautiful botanical garden a half mile from my house. I challenged myself to always take a new route, so as I meandered through the neighborhood, I worked up to a few miles, and I loved meeting new neighbors and exploring the area in which I lived.


No Magic in January

There’s nothing magical about January that’s going to help us to make our goals a reality. You can start now. Think of how much further you could be in two months if you started NOW learning the last nutritional advice you’ll ever need. Imagine how much better you could feel in a few short weeks if your blood sugar was stabilized, resulting in more energy, no more cravings, clear skin, better sleep, more stamina to keep up with your responsibilities and the things you love to do.


What If You Started Now?

What if you started developing your self-awareness and addressed the mindsets that hold you back—all before Christmas? What if you could begin the new year not with a sense of self-loathing and regret from throwing all caution to the wind for a few months, but with confidence from learning how to be intentional about the choices you are making to serve your body AND serve your soul? Confidence does not come from reaching a goal, but from doing what you know is right—knowing you are on a sustainable path to reach any goal you pursue.


Imagine Food Freedom and Lasting Health

What if you lost the weight in the same way you’d keep it off for life? What if there was no maintenance plan, just food freedom? What if you could eat on the go and know how to properly fuel your body, even at a gas station? What if your family realized you weren’t dieting, and started asking about your new lifestyle? What if your spouse’s diabetes began to reverse when he started eating (and loving!) the delicious, balanced meals you prepared?


When you control food, and it doesn’t control you, you enjoy a sense of calm, and quite frankly, the food tastes better. And the best part? What if you could do it without deprivation, without self-deprecation, learning to love your food, love yourself, and recognize your value—perhaps even helping others do the same?


Why wait? What if your life, your health, is waiting for you?

MEET THE AUTHOR: Karen Lynne Knaup

I joke that I came out of the womb a Weight Watcher. Raised in the dieting culture of the 70s and 80s, I’d always been active but frustrated that my body was more muscular than thin. Battling my weight since my high school dance team coach told me to eat salads since she "wasn't taking a fat captain to state," I spent decades on the proverbial dieting rollercoaster, especially after marrying a chef. When I discovered how to eat to balance my blood sugar, everything clicked. Within weeks, cravings disappeared, my skin was brighter, joint pain gone, and I was waking up before my alarm clock! I have reclaimed my health and love helping others to do the same as a certified health and lifestyle coach. Having discovered food freedom and able to enjoy the foods I love and fuel my body in a balanced way, I started teaching others what I’d learned. I got so excited watching them experience the same freedom, I knew I’d found my passion. 

- Karen Lynne Knaup
Instagram: coachkarenlynne





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